Adorable Audi: 2009 TTS Roadster
By Alex Taylor IIIFor a mid-summer run on the Berkshire back roads to a Saturday evening performance by the Boston Symphony at Tanglewood, it would be...
作者:Alex Taylor III圖片來源:奧迪盛夏行駛在伯克郡的鄉間小道上,去參加波士頓交響樂團于周六晚在坦格塢進行的演出,開一輛TTS敞篷車最合適不過了。車的頂篷敞開著,音響里正放著Sirius 衛星廣播公司播放的古典樂曲,鮮艷的紅色TTS是路上最靚的一款車,不過不至于好看到引起哪位麻省警察的...
Innovative Audi: 2009 Q5 3.2 quattro Tiptronic
By Alex Taylor IIIAll but alone in the wreckage left by the automotive depression, the population of small crossover SUVs bearing upscale brands has b...
Discreet luxury: The Audi S4
For years, Audi has suffered from an inferiority complex in the U.S. It didn’t feel it was getting any respect from potential buyers.Lately, it has be...
Dollars for diesels: 2011 Audi A3 TDI
A gas station is nobody’s idea of a nice place to visit, which is one of the reasons why German cars, with their commodious gas tanks, are so appealin...
作者:Alex Taylor III在汽車業一片蕭條低迷之之際,針對高端市場的小型跨界運動型多功能車(SUV)卻一枝獨秀,風頭正勁。過去幾個月間,梅賽德斯(Mercedes)、奧迪(Audi)和沃爾沃(Volvo)家族紛紛迎進小型SUV新成員。這些車型直追雄霸多年的雷克薩斯 RX350,而后者也正在...
Volkswagen's plan for world dominance begins with a $90,000 Audi
Luxury models don't cost too much more to build than their mass market counterparts, though they do sell at much higher prices. Volkswagen AG is showi...
作者:Alex Taylor III德國的三家豪華汽車品牌中,奧迪(Audi)發展得最好。奧迪今年更加關注美國市場,廣告大幅上線,銷售也十分強勁。隨著運動型汽車A5和S5的問世,奧迪的形象也有了新的改變。今年寶馬的銷售額下降了10%,奔馳下降了5.3%,而奧迪只下降了3.5%。奧迪家族的拳頭產品非A...
Dumbest Moments in Business 2009...midyear edition
GM partners with SegwayIt became clear this spring that General Motors was going to have to get smaller to survive, but this was ridiculous. A week af...